Why do people blog? Is it because each of us possesses this one unique piece of information everyone else has to know? Does each blogger have a higher goal he or she wants to accomplish? A fascinating personality maybe? As appealing as it sounds, it might not be true. There is a chance, that people blog out of the selfish desire to be noticed and known.
Lakshmi Chaudri must have gotten it right: we live in the era of micro-celebrity. If every other kid under 12 believes that becoming famous is a part of the American Dream, I can only imagine how this percentage changes as they grow older.
Tavi’s blog could perfectly illustrate the statement above. She was, in fact, under 12 when she started it. It plays into the celebrity aspect as well. Although the Style Rookie’s opening “mission statement” goes as follows:
“Well I am new here.... [Notice that it is in bold. The impatient readers have been waiting, haven’t we?] Lately I've been really interested in fashion, and I like to make binders and slideshows of "high-fashion" modeling and designs,”
It is not just fashion she blogs about but rather Tavi+fashion, exactly in this order. Her blog is nothing like the Sartoralist or WSJ fashion blogs where we don’t see the blogger. Here, in the last 10 posts we get 15 images of Tavi vs. 16 images of fashion or somewhat related shots. She posts the links to many articles, slideshows, magazine publications and videos that feature her (and there are plenty).
So what is the Style Rookie about, fashion or Tavi Gevinson? I guess, Tavi has already said “fashion”, while my take on it is her. Is it a bad thing? In no way. I think it is normal. It is a representation of the now common desire to be famous.
Some people are just better at making it happen.
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